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septoplasty recovery day by day

My Nasal Surgery Experience: Septorhinoplasty, Polypectomy, and Sinus  Clearing - Raincoates Beauty
My Nasal Surgery Experience: Septorhinoplasty, Polypectomy, and Sinus Clearing - Raincoates Beauty
My experience: Septoplasty Reduction and Turbinate I want to start by thanking bloggers who kept journals of their surgeries and procedures so that I could ask the right questions, find out if my recovery was at a rate, and decide if my symptoms were normal. I thought I would share my experience in case someone is considering a septoplasty or a turbine reduction procedure. My case My nose shitted me. On my left side, I was breathing at 50% on a good day, and nothing on a bad day. The right side was not much better, and I walked with perpetual congestion, drainage and symptoms similar to those of the head. I fooled myself to the point where it affected my lips and gums, and my inability to sleep at night caused the grinding of teeth so intense that I actually pushed the teeth of the alignment, not to mention that I broke them so significantly now I wear a sexy mouth protector. My only relief came at night when my boyfriend would drive me in his car, air conditioning in the blackest and could rest for a moment. Something had to change. Pre-Surgery Thank you. He had a friend who was a former employee of a local ENT, and she recommended him with flying colors. I realized it was, and not even knowing that I needed surgery, I made a visit to see what I could do. Before determining that septoplasty was a proper route, we tested nasal sprays and allergy tests. Living in Texas, where allergies are famous all year round, I chose to get surgery in the hope of a permanent solutionSurgery went to a local surgical center, Bailey Square, and staff was amazing. I was absolutely blown by my treatment. Nurses were sweet, professional, and miraculously did the painless and comfortable pre-op. My hospital dress was inflatable, and they pumped it full of hot air so I was never cold like other stories I heard, and even the doctors were friendly and I dare say funny. I waited several hours before my procedure started, but the doctor had many young children who tended to me, and given how scared they should be, I didn't care about the delay. My IV and anesthesia were painless and the last thing I remember was a nurse hooking my calves to massage machines (also to prevent blood clots but felt good though) and testing my feet with a pillow. Day of Procedure - RecoveryRecovery was annoying but not painful (due to medication I am sure). The machine beep was incessantly strong and once fun leg massage devices felt like I was being attacked in bed. If my breathing collapsed, the nursing staff would be alert and would force me to cough or breathe stronger and faster, both things that my throat could not bear because of the respiratory tube of the operation. I came quickly and came home was not an ordeal. I took a tilenol, and I didn't opt for pain medicine. I spoke on the phone to work and ate soup. It seemed like this was going to be a gentle candle... Day 1 Post-op My first night at home was miserable, inexplicablely miserable. I couldn't sleep and I wanted to hang up. Congestion was so intense that I cried. I tried to rest in the bathtub, my tempur-pedic mattress, our lounge chaise, our sofa, the floor, standing next to me, and every configuration I could think about. Nothing worked. That was gone for a rather sad morning. I crawled into bed, checked the work emails, and I did everything I could to ignore the congestion. The numbness on the roof of my mouth stood out more, just like the general pain. Today I have learned that if a post-operative nose is not wet, it becomes a miserable center of twisted pain so that the saline fog becomes my new BFF. My nose was dripping blood most of the day, so it's headed up if you're a pussy. Days 2-5 Post-OpLots of crying, congestion and contemplation of the removal of the nose inflicted by oneself. I was ready to tear my clamps off. I could go back to work, but I attribute it more to flexible work than to my health. Eventually I broke up and took some tilenol with codeine but limited relief did not live until the hypocrite. Sleeping was a complicated matter, if everything happened. The day 5 I was ready to stick to anything on my nose (such as, tissues rolled at a point, Q-tips, my nails, I even stuck the iphone camera as close to my noses as I could get a look at what was making me miserable. All I established was that silicone stents are substantial. It was also strange not to have any sense of taste or smell. I overwhelmed in perfume my first day back in the office, and I drank lemon-cale shakes as I couldn't taste them anyway. The flavor of sweet foods came first, beginning with corn and pineapple and moving towards oranges and chocolate. Even on day 5, my senses were limited. I also experienced dental pain, particularly my upper front teeth, which I did not expect. Day 6 Post-Op...The first post-Op appointment My parents are out the day is new. I have so much air in it that it's overwhelming and I'm a little dizzy. What a wonderful problem. The removal of stent was not painful, so if you're watching videos of youtube and you're worried, don't be. The doctor used a numb aerosol and was quick and painless. I wouldn't use the painful word. It feels strange but having them out is almost an orgasm. He reminded me of Harry Potter when Ron is cursed with bullets coming out of his face. Days 6-12 Once these stents are out, it is hard to remember life before surgery. I slept like a rock, and it's so nice to live life without tissue or nasal spray. If you opt for surgery, the 6-12 days are where you're going to blow your nose and objects that the size of the dinosaur eggs will come out; the feeling is strange, and I almost thought it blowed too hard and I expelled something necessary. I still have points that I shouldn't play as much as I do, but the ability to breathe is amazing. It was worth a week of discomfort to have such an improvement in quality of life. I recommend this surgery 100%. No doubt. The bananarchy will have you ready for the riot! A Look at Austin Philanthropy Day 2015

Cleveland Clinic Menu Septoplasty Overview What is septoplasty? Septoplasty is surgery inside the nose to straighten a deviant sept. The septo, about 7 centimeters long (2.5 to 3 inches) in adults, is made of cartilage and bone. The inside of the nose is separated into two chambers or nostrils. What is a deviant sept? A sept deviates if it is twisted or bent instead of straight. A deviated sept may block one or both of the nose cameras and interfere with the airflow. A sept may be diverted from an injury, but it can also grow that way naturally. How is a deviant sept diagnosed? A doctor will examine the inside of the nose, possibly performing a nasal endoscopy, which involves inserting a tube with a camera at the end. A may also detect a deviant sept, but it is usually unnecessary. After diagnosis, the doctor will discuss treatment options, including septoplasty. Are there other causes of nasal obstruction? Yeah, and it can cause nasal locks. In addition, the turbines – long crests of bones and tissues inside the nose that protrude into the nasal pits – can obstruct if they are too big. Steroid nasal sprays can reduce inflammation in turbines and adhesive nasal strips can provide temporary relief. Why is septoplasty necessary? Septoplasty is the only way to correct a deviated sept, which can make breathing through the nose difficult and force breathing through the mouth. Breathing of the mouth can cause dryness. The inability to breathe through the nose is even more a problem at night and can inhibit sleep. Septoplasty is sometimes part of other medical procedures, including sinus surgery and removal of nasal tumors. In addition, although septoplasty itself does not change the shape of the nose, it can be combined with nasal deformation surgery called septorhinoplasty. Ultimately, it is up to each patient to decide whether to submit to septoplasty to straighten a deviant sept. The condition will not hurt anyone who can tolerate symptoms. Procedure details How does a patient prepare for septoplasty? The doctor should know of all the medications — including unprescription medications, supplements and herbs — that the patient is taking. Before surgery, the patient should stop taking drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen and certain herbal supplements, making blood clotting difficult. The doctor should also know if the patient has allergies or bleeding problems. How is septoplasty done? Septoplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so most patients go home on the day of surgery. In most cases, the patient is placed under general and sleeps during the operation. Local anesthesia, which numbs the part of the body directed to surgery, could be an option. The procedure takes place completely inside the nose. The doctor cuts a wall on one side of the nose and lifts or removes the mucous, a thin membrane that covers and protects the sept. This allows the doctor to re-set the bone and cartilage of the septo. Sometimes parts of the bone and cartilage are removed, then shaped and repositioned. Then the mucous is placed back on the partition. The nose does not break during surgery. The operation lasts between 30 and 90 minutes. Afterwards, the doctor may insert the fragments or soft packaging to keep the nasal tissue in place, prevent nasal bleeding and prevent the formation of scar tissue. The fragments usually remain in one or two weeks and the packing remains in the nose between 24 and 36 hours. Sometimes the doctor could leave only dissolved points, which disappear alone over time. Risks / Benefits Are there risks or complications with septoplasty? Risks or complications are rare and unlikely. A risk is that bleeding may become excessive during surgery, especially if the patient did not stop taking medications that would attack the blood beforehand. If this happens, the doctor may decide not to go ahead with the operation. The infection is possible because the inside of the nose is not sterile. is an unusual and life-threatening infection, mainly related to the packaging that is placed, which is rare. Symptoms include changes in blood pressure and heart rate, fever and skin discoloration. If symptoms occur, notify the doctor or surgeon immediately. Another rare occurrence is the spinal fluid leak. It may occur because the upper part of the sept is near the skull and brain, which is surrounded by protective cerebrospinal fluid. If spinal fluid is leaked, the infection may result. That could lead to , a serious condition that involves inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. A septoplasty patient may also develop a hematoma, which is inflammation caused by the blood obstructed in the tissue, or an abscess, which is a pus pocket inside the body. Nut in the upper teeth and lip or nose tip can follow septoplasty. That's because nerves lead to gums and front teeth in the upper jaw run through the nose. Those nerves can be stretched or damaged during surgery. Numbness is usually temporary and ends after a few weeks or months. A septal perforation, a hole in the nasal septal, is another possibility. If piercing does not cause symptoms, the doctor will leave it alone. But if the perforation leads to breakage, dryness or obstruction in the nasal passage, the doctor may perform another surgery to close the perforation or insert a synthetic button on it. Changes in taste and smell, and voice quality and characteristics, can also affect patients with septoplasty. The nose may seem irregular, or the bridge of the nose may dip, but such cosmetic changes can be repaired. Finally, although more than 90% of patients with septoplasty enjoy better breathing, some do not. Unfortunately, the septo has a "memory" and sometimes returns to its original form. Recovery and Outlook What can I expect after septoplasty? Since the operation is done through the nasal pits, patients do not have to worry about facial scars or black eyes. However, they may experience pain or tenderness in the front of the nose, filled with swelling and blood and mucous nasal drainage. The swelling of the surgery may last two to three days, and the drainage may continue for two to five days. Free-selling medications will usually be enough for pain, although the doctor may prescribe an analgesic. The doctor may have to use saline aerosols or irrigation treatments to clean the nasal congestion. However, if the packaging is in the nose, the patient will have to breathe through the mouth until the material is removed. It may take up to three months when the nose reaches maximum clarity. How do I care about myself after septoplasty? Rest the first day. Don't rub your nose. Do not blow your nose, even if you feel congested, because it could cause bleeding. If sneezing is inevitable, sneeze through the mouth. You can apply an ice pack, covered with a clean cloth or towel, to the nose and eye area to reduce pain and inflammation. At night, sleep with your head on two pillows to decrease inflammation and congestion. Do not take a shower or bath for the first 24 hours after surgery. Return to the doctor as scheduled because if the stitches inside the nose are not dissolved on your own, the doctor may remove them. Avoid people for a while to avoid catching a cold, which can lead to an infection. Stay away from dusty or smoked places. Return to work or school after a week or two, but there is no heavy lift immediately. For one or two weeks after surgery, cut off activities that could cause a fall. These include folding and playing sports. In fact, you could be asked to avoid sports for a month. Try not to press the face, for example, straining during bowel movements. Additional information for self-care after septoplasty can be found below: When to Call the Doctor When should I call my doctor after septoplasty? Call your doctor or surgeon if you experience: Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 11/20/2018. References Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Institutes and Related Services Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. More health news + info

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